Photographic project realized with shots from the top of a water vortex in side-by-side sequences.
Water as a force of nature, the violence of a vortex that incessantly moves particles without an apparent end time.
But what respect does he get from the human being, an apparent superficial consideration without a deep and true adoration.
Illusion is perhaps the best word to describe human thought.
Dimensions: height 50 cm – width 225 cm – depth 2.5 cm – composed of 12 images of 18.8 x H 37.5 cm
Weight: 8 kg
Media: Digital photography
Materials: Wood, printing on paper, glue, protective paint, hooks
“LE DAME SCHOOLS” is a multidisciplinary studio of photography, design, video, art prints, paintings, installations and sculptures. https://www.ledameschools.com/
Instagram @lucabrogi_lasuertesiempre https://www.instagram.com/lucabrogi_lasuertesiempre/
Facebook @Luca Brogi Photographer https://www.facebook.com/lucabrogiphotographer/
Saatchi Art Gallery https://www.saatchiart.com/lucabrogi Santa Monica, CA 90404, USA