Les Rencontres de la Photographie 2 July – 23 September Arles
49th Rencontres d’Arles. A space where to travel through time through the centuries. Photography is often the best way to record everyone, the shocks that remind us how the world is changing, often before our eyes.
A beautiful place and nice people. Everywhere we can find photographic exposition of international artists come from all over the world.
Hotel Campanile, a nice place near the center of the city.
In the center of Arles there were many bar where drink a wine or beer.
Strange messages.
The “Costume Festival”: this morning party pays tribute to the women of Arles, the first Sunday of July.
The night time.
Preparation of the exhibition, latest deliveries.
L’espace Van Gogh.
Route de la Mer. By a print
Salin de Giraud.
Beach Piemanson.
Port Saint Louis du Rhône.

Instagram Image by @lucabrogi_lasuertesiempre
Facebook Image by @Luca Brogi Fotografo