Still-life photographic project
It is a bit as if the suggestions of the real world were allowed to enter only after being transformed into an abstract experience.
Photographic project focused on the power of the fantasy and the imagination.
“Photography”, from the Greek words PHOS and PHOTOS light and GRAPHIA from GRAPHOS to draw, translated: writing with the light. In the digital processing, with the use of post-production, burnt images can be obtained if digitally modified denaturing the photograph’s subject, burning the chromatic levels to get a new light and new colors that I like.
Recording of a collaboration between light and non-static matter. Digital processing can create an illusory world, that my mind wants to see beautiful, is my need. By combining the paper support of the printed image with an equally changeable material, I want to see their transformation, without taking away the beauty, if beauty is also in the change.
Digital Images

Some photographs about “The Imaginary” Project on display at the “Almarosa” in Forte dei Marmi, were seen on channel TV Canale 5 during a television program “Striscia la Notizia” on October 22, 2019

Instagram Image by @lucabrogi_lasuertesiempre
Facebook Image by @Luca Brogi Fotografo
My art gallery on Saatchi Santa Monica, CA 90404, USA Monica, CA 90404, USA
Luca Brogi Lucca Italia