Divinity 001 2019
Ancestral exibition

Technical features
Size: ø 30 cm – depth 3 cm
Weight: 1 Kg
Mediums: Printed panel, Wood
Materials: Wood, fine art print – Legno, stampa fine art
This project follows the Sustainable Development Goals
ANCESTRALE is a collection of new works and from various projects already exhibited.
I made these works during the pandemic, when human relationships were reduced to a minimum.
At that time I could rely heavily on my “intrinsic experience” to answer the new questions about existence and how to face the future.
This experience has been handed down to me in part from the past and is present in the DNA as a huge ancestral archive and in part I acquired it during my growth and my experience. Those who have best influenced my experiences are precisely women, always present in my existence and I give them all my admiration and respect, for their intrinsic ancestral power.
The ancestral woman.
The Energy of the Ancestral Feminine, the lifeblood, is generous, gentle, patient, inclusive, pacifying, offers listening, nourishes the body and spirit, radiates beauty and joy, expresses strength and determination without aggression, is welcoming and never in competition. , manifest compassionate wisdom.
The woman who knows the secrets and mysteries of giving and nurturing life, “scandalous and magnificent” at the same time, an archetype of great and ambivalent power, in the psychology of Jung the Great Mother is one of the numinous powers of the unconscious. The ancient ancestral female wisdom is a precious contribution to the deep bonds between the generations of women who live today and the distant ancestors in time.
“When, then, the concept of” God “began to appear among humans, it was very different from the present one; the first god was female; this is natural enough to understand because if God is the creator of everything, who better than a woman can represent the creation of life and become the creative symbol par excellence? Who better than her can take care of her creatures, just as a mother breastfeeds and takes care of her offspring? It was only later, with the advent of agriculture and the abandonment of nomadic life that the concept of God began to change. There was almost a coup d’etat by the male god against his female antagonist, which has relegated women, from then until today, to a subjugated and socially inferior position compared to men. ”
God was born a woman – Sexual roles at the origins of divine representation – Pepe Rodríguez
Instagram @lucabrogi_lasuertesiempre
Facebook @Luca Brogi Fotografo
Saatchi Art Gallery Santa Monica, CA 90404, USA
Luca Brogi Lucca Italia